Photos of Miconia lima (A–C) and Miconia limoides. (D–G). A habit and adaxial leaf surface of M. lima, also with immature inflorescences (Majure 5983) B flowering branch of M. lima showing dark pink petals (Majure 6020) C fruiting branch of M. lima with dark purple fruit (Majure 6036) D vegetative material of Miconia limoides showing habit (Majure 5959) E fruting branch of M. limoides also showing reflexed stem hairs (Majure 5958) F flower of M. limoides (frontal view) showing pink petals and radially disposed stamens G typical compact inflorescence and side view of flower of M. limoides showing pink style and expanded middle portion of style (F–G from Majure 5959). All photos taken by L.C. Majure.

  Part of: Majure LC, Bécquer ER, Judd WS (2016) Revision of the Lima clade (Miconia sect. Lima, Miconieae, Melastomataceae) of the Greater Antilles. PhytoKeys 72: 1-99.