Illustration of Miconia cubana (A–D) and M. ottoschmidtii (E–H). A Habit of M. cubanaB close-up of leaf adaxial surface showing bulla-based hairs not entirely covering areoles C stamen D fruit longitudinal section and flower bud (all from type Wright 189) E petal abaxial surface of M. ottoschmidtii showing small, slightly bulla-based hairs F petal side view G stamen showing dorso-basal appendage (E–G from Ekman 6926) H fruit showing granulate bulla-based hairs on the hypanthium (León LS-10046).

  Part of: Majure LC, Bécquer ER, Judd WS (2016) Revision of the Lima clade (Miconia sect. Lima, Miconieae, Melastomataceae) of the Greater Antilles. PhytoKeys 72: 1-99.