The Leguminochoria C–E superimposed on the Bioregions of southern Africa. The Higher-rainfall Cape Floristic Region (Cluster C) and Cluster D (Savannah Group) is divided into the Central Bushveld Region (D1) and the Subtropical Lowveld & Mopane Region (D2) as well as the Northern Mistbelt (Cluster E). The leguminochoria is mapped on bioregions defined by (Rutherford et al. 2006) referring to the legend in Figure 2.

  Part of: Trytsman M, Westfall RH, Breytenbach PJJ, Calitz FJ, Van Wyk AE (2016) Diversity and biogeographical patterns of legumes (Leguminosae) indigenous to southern Africa. PhytoKeys 70: 53-96.