The predominant climate and soil conditions associated with leguminochoria (A1–E) of southern Africa. Climatic conditions shown are mean annual rainfall (A) (mm), minimum (B) and maximum temperatures (C) (°C). The soil properties shown are pH (H2O) level (D), phosphorus content (mgkg-1) (E) and exchangeable sodium (F) (%). The leguminochoria are termed A1 Southern Afromontane A2 Albany Centre A3 Northern Highveld Region A4 Drakensberg Alpine Centre A5 Coastal Region B1 Arid Western Region B2 Lower-rainfall Cape Floristic Region B3 Central Arid Region B4 Generalist Group B5 Summer Rainfall Region B6 Northern & Northeastern Savannah Region B7 Kalahari Bushveld Region C Higher-rainfall Cape Floristic Region D1 Central Bushveld Region D2 Subtropical Lowveld & Mopane Region E Northern Mistbelt.

  Part of: Trytsman M, Westfall RH, Breytenbach PJJ, Calitz FJ, Van Wyk AE (2016) Diversity and biogeographical patterns of legumes (Leguminosae) indigenous to southern Africa. PhytoKeys 70: 53-96.