Dendrogram of southern African leguminochoria delimited by Multivariate Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. A1 Southern Afromontane A2 Albany Centre A3 Northern Highveld Region A4 Drakensberg Alpine Centre A5 Coastal Region B1 Arid Western Region B2 Lower-rainfall Cape Floristic Region B3 Central Arid Region B4 Generalist Group B5 Summer Rainfall Region B6 Northern & Northeastern Savannah Region B7 Kalahari Bushveld Region C Higher-rainfall Cape Floristic Region D1 Central Bushveld Region D2 Subtropical Lowveld & Mopane Region E Northern Mistbelt.

  Part of: Trytsman M, Westfall RH, Breytenbach PJJ, Calitz FJ, Van Wyk AE (2016) Diversity and biogeographical patterns of legumes (Leguminosae) indigenous to southern Africa. PhytoKeys 70: 53-96.