Capsules and infructescences in the Trembleya s.s. clade of Microlicia A Microlicia laniflora, infructescence B Microlicia parviflora, capsule enveloped by the hypanthium C–E Microlicia pentagona: C capsule enveloped by the hypanthium D infructescence E capsules enveloped by reddish mature hypanthia. Photos: A by F. Almeda B, C by F.A. Michelangeli E, F by R. Pacifico.

  Part of: Pacifico R, Almeda F, Penneys DS, Fidanza K (2022) Systematics of the Trembleya sensu stricto clade of Microlicia (Melastomataceae, Lavoisiereae). PhytoKeys 216: 1-101.