Representative morphology of Lycianthes A Lycianthes oliveriana with major and minor leaves differing only in size (Damas et al. SAJ-1050, Papua New Guinea) B Lycianthes cladotrichota with major and minor leaves differing markedly in size and shape (James et al. SAJ-1385, Papua New Guinea) C Lycianthes biflora in fruit with linear, awn-like calyx appendages (Knapp 10106, Yunnan, China) D Lycianthes oliveriana with urceolate calyces with no appendages (Damas et al. SAJ-1050, Papua New Guinea) E Lycianthes biflora with stellate corollas and membranous lobes (Knapp 10106, Yunnan, China) F Lycianthes cladotrichota with stellate corollas and thick, fleshy lobes (short-styled plant, James et al. SAJ-1385, Papua New Guinea). Photograph credits: A, B, D, F Shelley James; C, E Sandra Knapp.

  Part of: Knapp S (2022) A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific. PhytoKeys 209: 1-134.