Representational phylogeny showing hypothesized relationships among the clades included in the “S. dioicum + S. echinatum Group” sensu Martine et al. (2019), based on that study plus forthcoming work by McDonnell and Martine (in prep). Solanum scalarium sp. nov. is one of twelve described species in the “Kimberley dioecious clade” sensu Martine et al. (2006), a clade of functionally dioecious species (and phrase-named morphological variants of S. dioicum) sometimes also referred to as the “Dioicum Complex”.

  Part of: Williams TM, Hayes J, McDonnell AJ, Cantley JT, Jobson P, Martine CT (2022) Solanum scalarium (Solanaceae), a newly-described dioecious bush tomato from Judbarra/Gregory National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. PhytoKeys 216: 103-116.