Bredia nitida A habit B young leaves with white patches (insert) and flowering branch C sparsely puberulous young branchlet with spreading minute hairs D adaxial (top) and abaxial (bottom) leaf surfaces E flowering inflorescence F top view of flower bud showing ovate-elliptic calyx lobes (upper left), two petals (upper right), top view of flower (lower left), and longitudinal section of flower (lower right) showing the isomorphic stamens and thick basal protuberance (indicated by arrow) on calyx lobe G top view (top) and longitudinal section (bottom) of old capsule showing enlarged ovary crown. Scale bars: 5 mm (F, G). All from Jin-hong Dai and Ying Liu 850 (A, PE, SYS).

  Part of: Dai J-H, Nong S-Y, Guo X-B, Van Do T, Liu Y, Zhou R-C, Liu Y (2022) Three new species of Bredia (Sonerileae, Melastomataceae) from the Sino-Vietnamese border area. PhytoKeys 195: 107-125.