A branched flattened root with vegetative ramuli (red arrow) and young flower (shoot) on flank (photo in aquarium) B, C flower bud above bracts associated with short shoots (2-ramuli), showing leaves in 3 ranks D Young shoot associated with two ramuli and broken vegetative ramulus E flowers F two flowers at anthesis, showing withered ramuli G flower subtended with 2 bracts at base and associated with ramuli, showing pedicel and urceolate corolla H bract I tepal J flower with 2 stamens K stamen L top oblique view of flower, showing 3 cristate stigmas M cross section of the ovary, showing three locules. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, E); 1 mm (B–D, F, G); 250 μm (H, I, J, L); 100 μm (K); 200 μm (M).