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Nepenthes pudica A juvenile rosette pitcher B upper pitchers (4 on the right; each from a different plant), intermediate pitcher (1 on the left) C habitat with mature plant D habitat with lower pitchers excavated from the soil. Photographs by M. Dančák.

Nepenthes pudica A detail of lower pitchers excavated from the soil B lower pitchers in a cavity under tree roots–note greening of phyllodia formed in presence of low light C lower pitchers revealed under a moss mat D lower pitchers extracted from a cavity–note achlorophyllous shoot and reduced phyllodia formed in total darkness. Photographs by M. Dančák.

Nepenthes pudica A male flowers B male plant with inflorescence C infructescence D female plant with infructescence. Photographs by M. Dančák.

Nepenthes pudica, SEM images of lower pitcher A outer wall with outer margin of peristome B detail of trichome on the outer wall C inner wall and inner margin of peristome showing eglandular zone covered with lunate cells and peristome teeth with peristomal glands D inner wall showing glandular zone with digestive glands. SEMs by B.J. Płachno.

Nepenthes pudica A habit B lower pitcher C infructescence D male inflorescence E detail of climbing stem with a leaf. Drawn by Kateřina Janošíková.

Nepenthes sp. with excavated underground traps (bottom left) from a locality in the Berau region of East Kalimantan. Photograph by M.R. Golos.