Flower and fruit of Paracladopus chiangmaiensis A a flower bud (spathella removed), arrows mean two tepals on sides of stamen B lateral view of a flower bud (spathella and bracts removed), showing single stamen and two stigmas (as shown by the arrow) C stamen with indehiscent anther D, E, F fruit and seeds G, H stalked capsules covered with stripes I, J two persistent capsule valves with some stripes.
Part of: Wu M, Zhang K, Yang X, Qian X, Li R, Wei J (2022) Paracladopus chiangmaiensis (Podostemaceae), a new generic record for China and its complete plastid genome. PhytoKeys 195: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.195.82789