The genus Hydrochorea Barneby & J.W. Grimes A The amphi-atlantic geographic distribution of Hydrochorea B Hydrochorea pedicellaris (DC.) M.V.B. Soares, Iganci & M.P. Morim foliage and fruits C Hydrochorea corymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes foliage and fruits D Hydrochorea panurensis (Spruce ex Benth.) M.V.B. Soares, M.P. Morim & Iganci foliage and fruits E Hydrochorea uaupensis M.P. Morim, Iganci & E.J.M. Koenen in habitat, with foliage and fruits F Flowers of H. uaupensis after rain G mature fruits of H. uaupensis. B, C from M.V.B Soares D from D. Cardoso E–G from J.R.V. Iganci.