The images of Chrysanthemum vestitum and Chrysanthemum dabieshanense A, B plants growing in natural habitat C, D adaxial side of leaf (A, C Chrysanthemum vestitum, voucher Z.X. Fu 610, PE, Lushi county, Henan province, China, Photographs by Zhixi Fu). (B, D Chrysanthemum dabieshanense, voucher X.X.Zhu 089 CSH, Yingshan county, Hubei province, China. Photographs by Xinxin Zhu).

  Part of: Fu Z, Liu X, Zhen A, Zhu X, Konowalik K, Ma Y, Li P (2022) Chrysanthemum dabieshanense, a new name for Chrysanthemum vestitum var. latifolium (Asteraceae, Anthemideae). PhytoKeys 202: 45-52.