Sudhansu Sekhar Dash, Phani Bhusan Sahoo (2024)
New distributional record of Solanum diphyllum (Solanaceae) from Sikkim, India.
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Sandra Knapp (2024)
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in tropical Asia.
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Kasireddy Sivasankarreddy, Jiji Joseph, Thirumalaisamy Polavakkalipalayam Palanisamy, Venkatesan Kannan, Pradheep Kanakasabhapathi, Berin Pathrose, Deepu Mathew, Pradeepkumar Thayyil, Madhavan Latha, Azhakan Suma (2024)
Delineating naturally introgressed genotypes of Indian eggplant collections using morphological key traits for plant genetic resources management.
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A second update to the checklist of the vascular flora alien to Italy.
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Martín Flores-Saavedra, Pietro Gramazio, Santiago Vilanova, Diana M. Mircea, Mario X. Ruiz-González, Óscar Vicente, Jaime Prohens, Mariola Plazas (2024)
Introgressed eggplant lines with the wild Solanum incanum evaluated under drought stress conditions1.
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Rebecca Hilgenhof, Edeline Gagnon, Sandra Knapp, Xavier Aubriot, Eric J. Tepe, Lynn Bohs, Leandro L. Giacomin, Yuri F. Gouvêa, Christopher T. Martine, Andrés Orejuela, Clara Inés Orozco, Iris E. Peralta, Tiina Särkinen (2023)
Morphological trait evolution inSolanum(Solanaceae): Evolutionary lability of key taxonomic characters.
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Sandra Knapp, Tiina Särkinen, Gloria E. Barboza (2023)
A revision of the South American species of the Morelloid clade (Solanum L., Solanaceae).
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Sandra Knapp (2022)
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific.
PhytoKeys209: 1.
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Great Iruoghene Edo, Princess Oghenekeno Samuel, Agatha Ngukuran Jikah, Gift Onyinyechi Oloni, Miracle Nkonyeasuir Ifejika, Ogheneochuko Oghenegueke, Samuel Ossai, Mercy Orezimena Ajokpaoghene, Evan Uwomano Asaah, Peter Ovoke Uloho, Patrick Othuke Akpoghelie, Ufuoma Ugbune, Gracious Okeoghene Ezekiel, Favour Ogheneoruese Onoharigho, Joy Johnson Agbo, Arthur Efeoghene Athan Essaghah (2023)
Proximate composition and health benefit of Roselle leaf (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Insight on food and health benefits.
Food Chemistry Advances3: 100437.
DOI: 10.1016/j.focha.2023.100437
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