Augusto Giaretta, Bruce Murphy, Olivier Maurin, Fiorella F. Mazine, Paulo Sano, Eve Lucas (2022)
Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Hyper-Diverse Genus Eugenia (Myrtaceae: Myrteae) Based on Target Enrichment Sequencing.
Frontiers in Plant Science12: .
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.759460
Karinne S. Valdemarin, Paulo H. S. A. Camargo, Daniele Janina Moreno, Vinicius Castro Souza, Eve Lucas, Fiorella F. Mazine (2022)
Eugenia paranapanemensis (Myrtaceae), The Pitanga-amarela, and a Key to Eugenia sect. Eugenia Species from São Paulo State, Brazil.
Systematic Botany47: 498.
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Thais N C Vasconcelos, Eve J Lucas, Jair E Q Faria, Gerhard Prenner (2018)
Floral heterochrony promotes flexibility of reproductive strategies in the morphologically homogeneous genus Eugenia (Myrtaceae).
Annals of Botany121: 161.
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Thiago Fernandes, Pablo Viany Prieto, Marco Túlio Côrtes de Lacerda, Mariana Bünger, João Marcelo Alvarenga Braga (2024)
Eugenia guapiassuana (Myrtaceae), a remarkable new tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Kew Bulletin79: 233.
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Karinne Sampaio Valdemarin, Fiorella F. Mazine, Vinicius Castro Souza (2019)
Eugenia ochracea (Myrtaceae, Myrteae), a new species from Atlantic forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil.
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Mariana de Oliveira Bünger, Fiorella Fernanda Mazine, Félix Forest, Marcelo Leandro Bueno, João Renato Stehmann, Eve J. Lucas (2016)
The evolutionary history ofEugeniasect.Phyllocalyx(Myrtaceae) corroborates historically stable areas in the southern Atlantic forests.
Annals of Botany118: 1209.
DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcw209
Hauanny Rodrigues Oliveira, Vanessa G. Staggemeier, Jair Eustáquio Quintino Faria, Guilherme de Oliveira, José Alexandre F. Diniz‐Filho (2019)
Geographical ecology and conservation of Eugenia L. (Myrtaceae) in the Brazilian Cerrado: Past, present and future.
Austral Ecology44: 95.
DOI: 10.1111/aec.12657
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