A–G Entomoneis sinensis sp. nov., SEM A one valve with associated girdle bands, note the 8-shaped loop formed by the pars media of valvocopula (the pars media indicated by arrowheads and arrows indicating the pars media on the unseen side) B–D two valves with girdle bands further showing the 8-shaped loop (labelled in Fig. D) E middle part of a valve, note the mantle and the three parts of each girdle bands: parts exterior, pars media and pars interior F detail from Fig. E note the hymen strip occluding the poroid G valvocopula in internal view, note the broader pars exterior than pars interior and sternum-like pars media. Scale bars: 10 μm (A–D); 2 μm (E–G).

  Part of: Long J-Y, Williams DM, Liu B, Mo W-H, Quan S-J (2022) Ultrastructure of three Species of Entomoneis (Bacillariophyta) from Lake Qinghai of China, with reference to the external areola occlusions. PhytoKeys 189: 29-50. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.189.78149