Xylopodia laurensis. A flower, lateral view, showing the nectar scales (NS) B flower, showing the lamellae (L) C mature fruit, showing the four apical valves D details of the central staminode (left), showing the well-developed filament flange (FF), lateral staminode (right) E staminodes within the nectar scale, showing the lateral staminodes (LS) and the central ones (CS) F plant G xylopodium. All from Martín 2887, except C (Catari 2510).

  Part of: Martín CM, Zanotti CA, Acuña-Castillo R, Henning T, Catari JC, Weigend M (2022) Taxonomic revision of the peculiar genus Xylopodia (Loasaceae) with a new species from Argentina and Bolivia demonstrating an atypical trans-Andean disjunction. PhytoKeys 194: 47-62. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.194.77827