Entada elephantina habitat, habit, reproductive and vegetative structures. A growing in fire-prone open scrub, South Africa (photo: R Gill CC BY-NC 4.0, Ueda (2021) observation 32241269) B geoxylic suffrutex with erect herbaceous shoots bearing finely divided bipinnate leaves and producing spiciform racemes near ground level, Eswatini (photo: L Loffler CC BY-NC 4.0, Ueda (2021) observation 44861491) C spiciform racemes clustered near the base of the stem, South Africa (photo: tjeerd CC BY-NC 4.0, Ueda (2021) observation 62025284) D spiciform raceme of open flowers, South Africa (photo: J Whatmore, Ueda (2021) observation 62547631) E immature fruits borne near the base of the stem, South Africa (photo: G Lewis).