Morphology of Cinnamomum guizhouense C.Y. Deng, Zhi Yang et Y. Yang, sp. nov. a trunk b bud c flower branch d leaf adaxial surface e leaf abaxial surface f inflorescence g trimerous flower h tetramerous flower i stamen of first whorl j stamen of second whorl k stamen of third whorl with two glands at base l pistil m a young fruit with pedicel and cupule enclosing inner fruit n mature infructescence with deep, cup-shaped cupule. Bars: 30 cm (a); 1 cm (b, f–h, m, n); 3 cm (c-e); 1 mm (i–l).

  Part of: Yang Z, Deng C, Wang L, Ban Q, Yang Y (2022) A new species of Cinnamomum (Lauraceae) from southwestern China. PhytoKeys 202: 35-44.