Fruits of Prosopis, Strombocarpa, Xerocladia and Indopiptadenia A Prosopis cineraria B Anonychium africanum C Strombocarpa palmeri D Prosopis farcta E Strombocarpa ferox F S. strombulifera G S. pubescens H S. abbreviata (2 examples) I S. tamarugo J S. torquata K S. burkartii L Xerocladia viridiramis M Indopiptadenia oudhensis A-G, M (5 cm scale bar) H-L (1 cm scale bar with asterisk). All specimens at K A drawn from Gazanfar SG4332 B Dembele & Sanogo ML-146 and longitudinal section of fruit from Barter 1193 C Hughes et al. 1552 D van der Maesen 1627 E Atahuachi et al. MA1147 F Hunziker 2036 G Acocks 1788 H Tweedie s.n. (from 2 type specimens) I Aronson 7742 J Vuilleumier 1019 K Acosta & Rosas 748 L Kolberg & Tholkes HK2493 M Bajpai & Babu 264498. Drawn by Andrew Brown, July 2021.