Seeds and seed coat morphology in species of the Caatinga, Longidentatum, Flexuosum and Tovarii Clades A–D C. caatingae E–H C. parvifolium I–L C. longidentatum M–O C. flexuosum P–R C. tovarii A, M, P seeds with testa partly digested (in A hilum in terminal position, P hilum subterminal) B detail of a non-digested portion of the seed coat C, F, J, N, Q marginal testa pattern of treated seeds showing anticlinal cell walls papillate (F), with fibrils (J), punctate (N) and with fringe (Q) D, G, K, O, R detail of testa cells E, I treated seeds H, L papillae on anticlinal cell walls Scale bars: 200 μm (A, E, I, M, P); 20 μm (B, D, G, H, J, K, L, N, O, Q, R); 100 μm (C, F).