Micromorphology of Cuscuta mantiqueirana and C. odorata var. botryoides A–G Cuscuta mantiqueirana A distal part of ovary B stomata on lobes flanking styles C stomata (indicated by arrows) at the base of styles D–E infrastaminal scale fimbriae and detail F–G 3-colpate, reticulate pollen. All images from G.F. Árbocz et al. 2750 except C which is from Simão-Bianchini 1241 H–K Cuscuta odorata var. botryoides H gynoecium I–K pollen grain: 5-colpate with perforate tectum. All images from Burkhart 1626. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A); 100 μm (B–D); 50 μm (E); 10 μm (F, I); 1 mm (H); 5 μm (G, J, K).