Comparative morphology of Cuscuta mantiqueirana and C. odorata var. botryoides using rehydrated herbarium material A–M Cuscuta mantiqueirana A inflorescence B incipient stage of inflorescence development showing bract and developing flowers C flower and bract D calyx 3D, note the receptacle prolonging into obconical pedicel E, F calyx dissected, variation G corolla 3D H corolla dissected to show infrastaminal scales and stamens I stoma on calyx lobe, note that large protuberances with stomata do not develop in this species J distal part of infrastaminal scale K detail of infrastaminal scale fimbriae, note that no papillae are present L gynoecium M detail of distal part of ovary showing 4 lobes with stomata flanking the two styles. All images were obtained from G.F. Árbocz et al. 2750 except A, B, H and L which are from the type, Simão-Bianchini 1241 N–W Cuscuta odorata var. botryoides N flower O calyces 3D P calyx dissected, note the broader calyx lobes, two of them with prominent carinas that bear stomata (indicated by arrows) R detail of carinate calyx lobe S corolla 3D T fragment of dissected corolla U infrastaminal scales V detail of fimbriae showing 1–2 papillae at their tips (arrows) W1 gynoecium W2 detail of distal part of ovary, note the absence of lobes with stomata. All images from Lobb 49 except P, R = Hatschbach 22109 and V = Hoehne s.n. Scale bars: 1 mm (A–H, L, N–Q, S–U, W1, W2); 50 μm (I); 0.5 mm (J, M, R, K); 0.25 mm (V).