Anatomical characters of leaflet cross-sections A Butia odorata leaflet margin showing isolateral “mirrored” anatomy B B. yatay midrib. ab = accessory bundle; ET = expansion tissue; MFR = mid-rib fibrous ring; mv = miniveins; php = phloem pole; PVB = primary vascular bundle; SVB = secondary vascular bundle; TVB = tertiary vascular bundle; vb = vascular bundle or collateral vascular bundle; vbe = vascular bundle with enlarged sheath. Not all are labelled. Scale bars: 0.3 mm.

  Part of: Noblick LR, Sant’anna-Santos BF (2021) Diversity of leaf anatomy within a single leaflet and between leaflets of four Butia (Arecaceae, Arecoideae) species. PhytoKeys 180: 31-52.