Glinus bainesii A, B an overview of the plant C flowers D leaves E–G close-up of individual flowers. Photographers – Roger and Alison Heath (A, C, E Okavango Delta, Ngamiland, Botswana, 28 Nov 2004 B, D, F, G Moremi Game Reserve, Ngamiland, Botswana, 21 Nov 2007).

  Part of: Sukhorukov AP, Sennikov A, Veranso-Libalah MC, Kushunina M, Nilova MV, Heath R, Heath A, Mazei Y, Zaika MA (2021) Evolutionary relationships, biogeography and morphological characters of Glinus (Molluginaceae), with special emphasis on the genus composition in Sub-Saharan Africa. PhytoKeys 173: 1-92.