Staminodes variation of P. tibetana (A), P. nubicola var. nana (B–D) and P. nubicola var. nubicola (E–L). A delineated from s.n. 716 (PE01863973) B–D delineated from Hengduan Exp. 3734 (PE00866288 and PE00866291) E–L delineated from Tibet herbs Exp. 1496 (PE00866275), Plateau Exp. 14709 (PE00866299), s.n. 6550 (PE01982606), and Wang Qiwu 65371 (PE00866286). Scale bars: 1 mm. Illustrated by Shu Yumin.

  Part of: Ma Y, Zhou H, Shu Y (2020) Taxonomic note on Parnassia (Celastraceae): the identity of P. nubicola. PhytoKeys 154: 103-109.