Comparative distributions and floral morphologies A, B L. stipitata, with a disjunct distribution in Western Australia and South Australia and flowers on long pedicels and with a prominent column sheath (J.A. Wege 1874). Inset showing coloured markings at the base of the corolla lobes that have been recorded for many populations (J.A. Wege 1873) C, D L. octomaculata, a Western Australian endemic with prominent corolla markings and a densely papillate labellum (J.A. Wege 2074) E, F L. chippendalei, widespread in arid areas of Western Australia and the Northern Territory, with the incised apical labellum appendage visible in the lower right flower (N. Gibson 6559, S. van Leeuwen, M.A. Langley & K. Brown). Photos by J.A. Wege (B, D) and K. Brown (F). Scale bar on maps 1000 km.

  Part of: Wege JA (2020) Styleworts under the microscope: a taxonomic account of Levenhookia (Stylidiaceae). PhytoKeys 151: 1-47.