Comparative distributions and floral morphologies A, B Levenhookia dubia, with a widespread distribution across southern Australia and flowers with acute calyx lobes and a simple, sessile labellum (K.R. Thiele 3360) C, D L. leptantha, a widespread Western Australian endemic with an exserted corolla tube and fleshy bracts (J.A. Wege 1828) E, F L. pulcherrima, a poorly-known Western Australian endemic with an exserted corolla tube and distinctive corolla lobe shape and markings (J.A. Wege 1937). Photos by K.R. Thiele (B, D) and J.A. Wege (F). Scale bar on maps 1000 km.

  Part of: Wege JA (2020) Styleworts under the microscope: a taxonomic account of Levenhookia (Stylidiaceae). PhytoKeys 151: 1-47.