Lycianthes fruits A immature (green) and mature (orange to red) globose berries of L. heteroclita (note the calyx completely lacking appendages), field photo taken by the first author at El Chocoyero, Nicaragua B mature, ovoid, dark purple fruits of L. pilifera, photo of Dean 242 collected at the San Francisco Botanical Garden C longitudinal section of mature, ovoid, dark purple fruits of L. ciliolata showing the light purple, powdery placental area, greenhouse photo of Dean 295 (DAV) D dissected fruit of L. peduncularis showing the black seeds and yellow sclerotic granules, field photo of Dean 303 (DAV). Scale bars: 1 cm.

  Part of: Dean E, Poore J, Anguiano-Constante MA, Nee MH, Kang H, Starbuck T, RodrĂ­gues A, Conner M (2020) The genus Lycianthes (Solanaceae, Capsiceae) in Mexico and Guatemala. PhytoKeys 168: 1-333.