Lycianthes calyces A green, immature fruits and relatively long calyx appendages in L. mariovelizii E. Dean, field photo of Dean 9509 (DAV) B flower buds and relatively short calyx appendages in L. jalicensis E. Dean, field photo of Dean 248 (DAV) C green, immature fruit and calyx with long, sleeve-like calyx margin and connate appendage bases in L. connata J.L. Gentry, field photo of Dean 9530 (DAV) D flower bud and glandular pubescent calyx with very short, nearly absent appendages (appearing as oval bulges) and scarious calyx margin with undulating rim in L. pringlei (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Bitter, field photo of Dean 327 (DAV) E immature pale green to yellow fruits and calyces with obovate appendages with rounded tips in L. sideroxyloides (Schltdl.) Bitter, field photo of Dean 9526 (DAV) F mature fruit with calyx nearly lacking appendages (present as short bulges) in L. ceratocalycia (Donn.Sm.) Bitter, field photo of Dean 9532 (DAV). Scale bars: 5 mm.

  Part of: Dean E, Poore J, Anguiano-Constante MA, Nee MH, Kang H, Starbuck T, RodrĂ­gues A, Conner M (2020) The genus Lycianthes (Solanaceae, Capsiceae) in Mexico and Guatemala. PhytoKeys 168: 1-333.