Octoblepharum peristomiruptum Salazar Allen & Gudiño. Photographs A habit in its natural environment B enlarged group of plants. Microphotographs C cross section of stem with young leaf (lf) D apex of leaf E chlorocysts near apex of leaf F chlorocysts at base of leaf (note the strong reddish-purple colouration) G enlarged hyalocysts on leaf border H rhizoids originating from border of leaf chlorocysts I rhizoids at apex of leaf. All from Gudiño 3519 (PMA).

  Part of: Salazar Allen N, Gudiño JA (2020) Octoblepharum peristomiruptum (Octoblepharaceae) a new species from the Neotropics. PhytoKeys 164: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.164.51783