Orthiopteris spores. a, b O. firma (Guillaumin & Baumann-Bodenheim 10318, L) c O. tenuis (Smith 9154, L) dO. campylura var. campylura (Elmer 11717, L) eO. campylura var. caudata (Ridsdale 30654, L) f O. henriettae (Lam & Meeuse 5892, L) g, h O. samoensis (Sledge 1563, L). All scale bars 10 µm.

  Part of: Luong TT, Hovenkamp PH, Sosef MSM (2015) Revision of the fern genus Orthiopteris (Saccolomataceae) in Malesia and adjacent regions. PhytoKeys 53: 39-71. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.53.4955