Leaf variation of S. barbata (A–D) and S. taipeiensis (E, F). A New Taipei City, Gueishan rd. (Chao 4768) B Taipei City, Hsichou street (Chao 4762) C Ilan County, Ilan City (Chao 4787) D Ilan County, Sanhsing Township (Chao 4789) E Taipei City, campus of NCCU (Chao 4837) F Taipei City, Maukong (type locality, Chao 4838).

  Part of: Chao C-T, Huang B-H, Chang J-T, Liao P-C (2020) Taxonomic notes on Scutellaria taipeiensis (Lamiaceae) from morphological and molecular data. PhytoKeys 140: 33-45. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.140.48578