Representative achenes of four varieties A indica, Rajshahi (Bangladesh), Clarke 1877 (BM) B indica, Coimbatore (India), Bircher 1893 (K) C indica, South Africa, Hillig 1996; (IND) D himalayensis neotype E himalayensis, Bareilly (India), Roxburgh 1796 (K). F himalayensis, East Bengal (Bangladesh) Griffith 1835 (GH) G afghanica neotype H afghanica epitype I afghanica Yarkant (Xīnjiāng), Henderson 1871 (LE) J asperrima lectotype K asperrima Nuristān (Afghanistan), Street 1965 (F) L Kailiyskiy Alatau (Kazakhstan), Semenov-Tyan-Shansky 1857 (LE).

  Part of: McPartland JM, Small E (2020) A classification of endangered high-THC cannabis (Cannabis sativa subsp. indica) domesticates and their wild relatives. PhytoKeys 144: 81-112.