Images of living plants. A, B – Tourneuxia variifolia (Morocco, near Mrhimina). Photographs by A. Garcin ( C – Gelasia villosa (cult. in BG Berlin, 13 Jun 2010). Photograph by N. Kilian D, E, F – Gelasia rigida (Jordan, Nakeb, 1250 m alt., 8 May 2019). Photograph by O. Fragman-Sapir. D general view E capitula in flowering F capitula in fruiting, a part of achenes had fallen off G Geropogon hybridus (Greece, Lefkas, 15 May 2016). Photograph by E. Willing H Koelpinia linearis (Qatar, Khashem Al Nekhsh area, 18 Mar 2016). Photograph by A. Sergeev.

  Part of: Zaika MA, Kilian N, Jones K, Krinitsina AA, Nilova MV, Speranskaya AS, Sukhorukov AP (2020) Scorzonera sensu lato (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) – taxonomic reassessment in the light of new molecular phylogenetic and carpological analyses. PhytoKeys 137: 1-85.