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Article title
Material and methods
Sampling and material studied
DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing
Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses
Carpological analysis
Characterisation of diaspore morphology and anatomy, character coding and analysis of character distribution and evolution
Molecular phylogenetic analyses
Incongruences between nrDNA and plastid DNA phylogenies
Morphological and anatomical characters of the achene in the Scorzonerinae
Coding of carpological characters and states in Scorzonerinae
Carpological characterisation of the clades and ancestral character reconstruction
Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Scorzonerinae and its significance for the generic classification of the subtribe
Carpological results in the light of the phylogenetic reconstruction
Taxonomic conclusions
Key to the revised genera of the Scorzonerinae
Revised classification of the Scorzonerinae
Species of unclear position
Excluded names
Supplementary material
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