Psoralea diturnerae A. Bello, C.H. Stirt. & Muasya A flowering branch B leaf C transverse section of the leaflets D flower side view E standard petal F wing petal G keel petal H androecium I gynoecium showing the stigma J outer surface of calyx opened out K trifid cupulum L bud. Scale bars: A, B=1 cm; D–K=1 mm. Line drawing by Abubakar Bello from voucher A. Bello, C.H. Stirton & A.M. Muasya 41 (BOL).

  Part of: Bello A, Stirton CH, Chimphango SBM, Muasya AM (2015) Psoralea diturnerae and P. vanberkelae (Psoraleeae, Fabaceae): two new species restricted to the Core Cape Region of South Africa. PhytoKeys 44: 97-107.