Morphological character of S. dakrongense sp. nov. and comparisons between S. dakrongense and S. hainanense. A Ovary and style B stigmas C prophylls D, G bracts E stamens F Palea (left) and Lemma (right) H1 base of culm sheath outer margin of S. dakrongense H2 base of culm sheath outer margin of S. hainanense I1 rachilla of S. dakrongense with ciliate margin I2 rachilla of S. hainanense with glabrous margin J1 Leaf abaxial surface of S. dakrongense pale-puberulent and sparsely pilosulous J2 leaf abaxial surface of S. hainanense glabrous. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, F, H1, H2); 1 mm (B–E, G, I1, I2, J1, J2).

  Part of: Cai Z-Y, Tong Y-H, Vu T-C, Ni J-B, Xia N-H (2020) Schizostachyum dakrongense (Poaceae, Bambusoideae), a new species from Dakrong Nature Reserve, Vietnam. In: Jin X-H, Xia N-H, Tan Y-H (Eds) Plant diversity of Southeast Asia-II. PhytoKeys 138: 179-186.