Illustration of Tryssophyton quadrifolius (A–G) and T. merumense (H, I). A Habit (right view in flower) B young flower with anthers inflexed C flower with anthers erect and petals fallen D shorter antepetalous anther, dorsal E longer antesepalous anther, dorsal F longer anther, lateral G young fruit H habit I capsular, 3-merous fruit. Sources: A–G Wurdack 5865 H Radosavljevic 165 I Wurdack 5870 (all US).

  Part of: Wurdack KJ, Michelangeli FA (2019) Systematics and relationships of Tryssophyton (Melastomataceae), with a second species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. PhytoKeys 136: 1-21.