Fruits of Mesoameican Virola, organised in groups of morphologically similar species A V. allenii (P. H. Allen 6727, GH) B V. amistadensis (G. McPherson 9715, MO) C V. otobifolia (A. Gentry & S. Mori 14199, MO) D V. macrocarpa (A. E. Lawrance 675, MO) E V. chrysocarpa (B. Hammel et al.16864, MO) F V. koschnyi (R. Robles 1587, MO) G V. guatemalensis (S. Sinaca 1542, MO) H V. montana (J. Utley & K. Utley 5054, MO) I V. fosteri (S. Mori & J. Kallunki 4891, MO) J V. multiflora (R. Rueda et a.l 9960, MO) K V. sebifera (T. B. Croat 5959, MO) L V. elongata (J. D. Dwyer & M. Correa 8420, MO) M V. laevigata (R. Aguilar 1585, MO) N V. nobilis from Barro Colorado (T. B. Croat 8090, MO) O V. nobilis from the Osa Peninsula (G. Herrera 4222, MO) P V. megacarpa (G. de Nevers 5184, MO). Scale bars: 1 cm.