Croton rizzinii. A Adult individual in hillside forest B young flowering branch C mature flowering branch D detail of a mature flowering branch E detail of laciniate-glandular stipules F young branch showing yellowish latex G detail of leaf showing acropetiolar glands H–K stages of development of pistillate flowers H top view of a young pistillate flower I young pistillate flower showing a maculate gland on the distal portion of the sepal J young pistillate flower K mature pistillate flower L fruit M inflorescence showing pistillate and staminate flowers N inflorescence showing fruits. (Photos by S.Q. Farias).

  Part of: Farias SQ, Medeiros D, Riina R (2019) A new species of dragon’s blood Croton (Euphorbiaceae) endemic to the Serra dos Órgãos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). PhytoKeys 126: 13-24.