Stamen number and morphology of Fordiophyton breviscapum, Phyllagathis elattandra and P. tetrandra. A F. breviscapum from Ruyuan, Guangdong, China, 8 stamens with the shorter stamens greatly reduced B P. elattandra from Guiping, Guangxi, China, 8 stamens with the shorter stamens sterile C P. tetrandra from Xichou, Yunnan, China, 4 stamens. Arrows indicate anther of the shorter stamens.

  Part of: Dai J-H, Zhou Q-J, Yu Z-Y, Zhou R-C, Liu Y (2019) A new species of Fordiophyton (Sonerileae, Melastomataceae) from Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys 122: 15-28.