Yushania tongpeii D.Z.Li., Y.X.Zhang & E.D.Liu. A habitat B culm sheath C rhizome D culm bud E branches F young culms with culm sheaths G foliage leaves H leaf sheath. Scale bars: 5 cm (A); 2.5 cm (C); 2 cm (B); 1 cm (D–G); 5 mm (H).

  Part of: Zhang Y-X, Ye X-Y, Liu E-D, Li D-Z (2019) Yushania tongpeii (Poaceae, Bambusoideae), a new bamboo species from north-eastern Yunnan, China. In: Cai J, Yu W-B, Zhang T, Li D-Z (Eds) Revealing of the plant diversity in China’s biodiversity hotspots. PhytoKeys 130: 135-141. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.130.34466