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Materials and methods
Key to the groups of Solanum in continental Africa, Madagascar (incl. the islands of Réunion, the Comoros and the Seychelles), Macaronesia and the Cape Verde Islands
Key 1. African non-spiny (ANS) Clade (descriptions Knapp and Vorontsova 2016)
Key 2. Normania clade (descriptions on Solanaceae Source)
Key 3. Dulcamaroid clade (descriptions in Knapp 2013 and on Solanaceae Source)
Key 4. Morelloid clade (descriptions in Särkinen et al. 2018 and on Solanaceae Source)
Key 5. Potato clade (descriptions on Solanaceae Source)
Key 6. Brevantherum clade (descriptions on Solanaceae Source)
Key 7. Leptostemonum clade (descriptions in Vorontsova and Knapp 2016 and on Solanaceae Source)
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