Shuojun Yu, Yue Wang, Tingting Li, Huazhong Shi, Dali Kong, Jia Pang, Zhiqiang Wang, Huiying Meng, Yang Gao, Xu Wang, Yechun Hong, Jian-Kang Zhu, Xiangqiang Zhan, Zhen Wang (2024)
Chromosome-scale assembly and gene editing of Solanum americanum genome reveals the basis for thermotolerance and fruit anthocyanin composition.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics137: .
DOI: 10.1007/s00122-023-04523-7
Rebecca Hilgenhof, Edeline Gagnon, Sandra Knapp, Xavier Aubriot, Eric J. Tepe, Lynn Bohs, Leandro L. Giacomin, Yuri F. Gouvêa, Christopher T. Martine, Andrés Orejuela, Clara Inés Orozco, Iris E. Peralta, Tiina Särkinen (2023)
Morphological trait evolution inSolanum(Solanaceae): Evolutionary lability of key taxonomic characters.
TAXON72: 811.
DOI: 10.1002/tax.12990
Sandra Knapp, Tiina Särkinen, Gloria E. Barboza (2023)
A revision of the South American species of the Morelloid clade (Solanum L., Solanaceae).
PhytoKeys231: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.231.100894
Song-Zhi Xu, Han Xu, Cai-Yun Zhao, Zhen-Yu Li, Wen-Hao Zhang (2023)
A new system for distinguishing native from exotic species in China.
Journal of Plant Ecology16: .
DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtac080
Sandra Knapp (2022)
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific.
PhytoKeys209: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.209.87681
Valéria da Silva Sampaio, Ítalo Antônio Cotta Coutinho, Tiina Särkinen, Maria Iracema Bezerra Loiola, Noushka Reiter (2021)
Secretory and ecological function of petiolar glands in.
Australian Journal of Botany70: 32.
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Xavier Aubriot, Sandra Knapp (2022)
A revision of the “spiny solanums” of Tropical Asia (Solanum, the Leptostemonum Clade, Solanaceae).
PhytoKeys198: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.198.79514
Edeline Gagnon, Rebecca Hilgenhof, Andrés Orejuela, Angela McDonnell, Gaurav Sablok, Xavier Aubriot, Leandro Giacomin, Yuri Gouvêa, Thamyris Bragionis, João Renato Stehmann, Lynn Bohs, Steven Dodsworth, Christopher Martine, Péter Poczai, Sandra Knapp, Tiina Särkinen (2022)
Phylogenomic discordance suggests polytomies along the backbone of the large genus Solanum.
American Journal of Botany109: 580.
DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1827
Sandra Knapp, Franco Chiarini, Juan J. Cantero, Gloria E. Barboza (2020)
The Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Argentina: nomenclatural changes, three new species and an updated key to all taxa.
PhytoKeys164: 33.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.164.54504
Sara Monzerrat Ramírez-Olvera, Manuel Sandoval-Villa (2023)
Uses, Botanical Characteristics, and Phenological Development of Slender Nightshade (Solanum nigrescens Mart. and Gal.).
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Gloria E. Barboza, Carolina Carrizo García, Luciano de Bem Bianchetti, María V. Romero, Marisel Scaldaferro (2022)
Monograph of wild and cultivated chili peppers (Capsicum L., Solanaceae).
PhytoKeys200: 1.
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Susy Echeverría‐Londoño, Tiina Särkinen, Isabel S. Fenton, Andy Purvis, Sandra Knapp (2020)
Dynamism and context‐dependency in diversification of the megadiverse plant genusSolanum(Solanaceae).
Journal of Systematics and Evolution58: 767.
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Nadezda Amaya, Stefano Padulosi, Gennifer Meldrum (2020)
Value Chain Analysis of Chaya (Mayan Spinach) in Guatemala.
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Solanaceae diversity in South America and its distribution in Argentina.
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Sandra Knapp (2024)
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in tropical Asia.
PhytoKeys245: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.245.121988
Vanezza Morales-Fierro, Mélica Muñoz-Schick, Andrés Moreira-Muñoz (2020)
Synopsis of Schizanthus Ruiz & Pav. (Solanaceae), a genus endemic to the southern Andes.
PhytoKeys154: 57.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.154.49615
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