Distribution of examined specimens of P. riparia (X), P. emiliae (red cross), P crenata (blue cross), P. fernandezii (green cross), P. pergrandis (purple cross), and the bioclimatic distribution model, highlighting climates that are marginal (grey), favorable (light yellow), very favorable (light orange) or excellent (bright orange). Black triangles represent distribution of examined specimens of P. ambigua.

  Part of: Rome M, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G (2019) Imprecise descriptions of Passiflora riparia Martius ex Masters led to redundant descriptions as P. emiliae Sacco, P. crenata Feuillet & Cremers, P. pergrandis Holm-Nielsen & Lawesson and P. fernandezii Escobar. PhytoKeys 117: 1-27. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.117.30672