Comparison between flowers of P. riparia and P. crenata. A–C flowers of P. riparia from Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (photo: Rich Hoyer) D flower of P. riparia from Marituba, Para, Brazil (photo: Luis Otavio Adão Teixeiro) E–H flowers of P. crenata from Cacao village, French Guiana. Flower size is indicated by 1 cm white bars.

  Part of: Rome M, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G (2019) Imprecise descriptions of Passiflora riparia Martius ex Masters led to redundant descriptions as P. emiliae Sacco, P. crenata Feuillet & Cremers, P. pergrandis Holm-Nielsen & Lawesson and P. fernandezii Escobar. PhytoKeys 117: 1-27.