Fruits and seeds of Microtea papillosa and M. scabrida: A, B fruit of M. papillosa, enclosed in the perianth (Diamantina Mun., Estrada Conselheiro Mata, 11 Apr 1982, L. Rossi et al. 3322, PACA) C, D seed of M. papillosa (Diamantina Mun., Estrada Conselheiro Mata, 11 Apr 1982, L. Rossi et al. 3322, PACA) E, F fruit of M. scabrida, enclosed in the perianth (Paraguay, Alto Paraná, 1909, K. Fiebrig 5468, M) G, H seed of M. scabrida (Paraguay, Alto Paraná, 1909, K. Fiebrig 5468, M). Magnification: A, E – 30×, B, F – 100×, C, G – 50×, D, H – 300×.