Xylopia longipetala, X. holtzii, X. katangensis, and X. shirensis. A–F X. longipetala A Fruit B Seed, side view C Seed, view of micropylar end D Base of inner petal, adaxial view E Habit F Gynoecium surrounded by staminal cone with a few attached stamens G–K X. holtzii G Habit H, I Detached monocarps J Gynoecium surrounded by staminal cone with a few attached stamens K Base of inner petal, inner (adaxial) surface L X. katangensis, habit M–P X. shirensis M Fruit N Habit O Seed, view of micropylar end P Seed, side view. A–C from Jongkind & Nieuwenhuis 3031 (WAG) D, F from McPherson 17911 (MO) E from Hallé & Le Thomas 190 (P), and following photograph of fresh flowers of same collection in Le Thomas (1969)G, J, K from Johnson et al. 1938 (OWU) H, I from Templer H167/53 (K), L from Letouzey 4498 (MO) M from Richards 13266 (K) N from Richards 14438 (K) O, P from Bredo 6276 (BR).